The Sneaky Side of Cybersecurity: Understanding Social Engineering

As we venture further into the holiday season, cybersecurity may not be top of mind for you. And you may not have even heard of “social engineering.” But it is especially during this busy time of year that we must be most vigilant. While we busily shop, look up recipes, and send out digital invitations, cyber-criminals are capitalizing on our heightened online activities.

When you think about cybersecurity, what probably comes to mind are things like firewalls, antivirus software, and strong passwords. While those are all critical elements, there’s another sneaky threat that can bypass even the strongest technical defenses: social engineering.

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into providing confidential information or taking certain actions. It’s a strategy commonly used by cybercriminals to breach security measures by exploiting the weakest link in any organization – the human element.

These attacks come in many forms, but they often involve an attacker posing as a trusted source in order to gain sensitive data. For example, an attacker may send a phishing email pretending to be from a reputable company and entice the recipient to click a malicious link or download an infected file. Hackers know that we all receive emails from Amazon and other popular online retailers, especially true during the busy shopping season. And they will use that against us.

Why It Works

What makes social engineering so successful is that it exploits natural human tendencies – our desire to be helpful, our fear of getting in trouble, our inclination to trust people. Skillful social engineers are masters at reading people and eliciting the desired responses. Good social engineers will research targets to gather insider knowledge that helps build rapport and credibility.

Once a social engineer has gained a victim’s trust, that person is much more likely to comply with requests without asking too many questions. People are often unaware of the manipulative techniques being used on them. Social engineering also relies on catching people when they’re distracted or in a rush, counting on them not scrutinizing unusual requests in the moment. You can see why the holiday season would be a prime time for cyber criminals.

Defending Against Social Engineering

The best defense includes awareness, training, and healthy skepticism. Since these methods exploit natural human traits, teaching employees how to identify manipulation techniques is crucial. Employees should learn to never send sensitive data or money, provide remote access to systems, or download anything at the request of an unverified person. Common sense goes a long way in thwarting social engineers.

Additionally, businesses should institute policies like requiring verification procedures before taking unusual actions, restricting access to data, using caller ID or email authentication to verify identities, and having clear reporting procedures for suspicious activities. Of course, staying vigilant about technical defenses is still important too. But understanding the power of social engineering makes employees less likely to slip up and more likely to spot deceit.

An Ongoing Threat

Social engineering will continue posing a significant cybersecurity risk for the foreseeable future. Hackers recognize it often provides an easier path than trying to breach complex technical defenses. And new forms of social engineering are always emerging, making it hard to stay on guard. As technology evolves and businesses operate increasingly online, the potential targets and consequences of social engineering grow.

But just as innovation enables new types of cybercrime, it also provides new ways to combat it. Artificial intelligence may eventually be able to detect social engineering attacks and malicious patterns automatically. More organizations are prioritizing regular employee education and implementing robust verification policies. While social engineering may never disappear entirely, awareness and vigilance can go a long way in protecting businesses. By understanding how social engineers operate, decision makers can stay one step ahead.


Social engineering represents one of the most cunning threats in cybersecurity today. By understanding how attackers exploit human psychology and trusting natures, businesses can train employees to recognize deceitful tactics. Combining education, technological defenses, and common sense is the best way leaders can protect their organizations from this invisible threat. With proactive planning, social engineering doesn’t have to be a business’s downfall. After all, this should be the most celebratory time of the year!

If you’d like to discuss how we can partner with your business to protect it against cyber-criminals, contact us today (504.454.6373) for a free consultation.

Note that the image at top was created using prompts generated by DALL-E using the prompt: Person silhouettes collaborating on a holographic screen in future digital styles in blues and greens for the holographic screen, neutral grays for the silhouettes. Are you using generative AI?


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