Meet the Nerds, Part V: Marshall Flaig

In addition to being the Nerd’s recently promoted Service Manager, Marshall–who has been playing drums since 4th grade–is in the band, A Living Soundtrack.  Here’s the band’s link:

Another cool fact about Marshall is that he grows his hair so that when it’s long enough, he can cut it to donate to Locks of Love, which creates natural-hair wigs for children with cancer.  We’re very impressed!  Here are Marshall’s responses to our “fun facts” questions:

Favorite local restaurant:  Jacques Imo’s


When asked to choose between Star Wars and Star Trek, Marshall said, “I don’t want to live in a world where I have to choose.”

Favorite Mardi Gras Krewe: Endymion

Dream vacation location: New Zealand (We didn’t ask if he’s motivated by “The Lord of the Rings,” but we’d bet that’s a factor!)

New Zealand

PlayStation or XBox: PlayStation

Favorite game: Ni No Kuni

Android or iPhone: Android

Favorite Saints player: Kenny Vaccaro (We especially loved his key deflection in the game against the Dirty Birds!)

City Park or Audubon: City Park

Best poboy shop: Crabby Jack’s (Ya’ll already know that Jack is Jacques, of Jacques Imo’s, so it’s got to be good!)

Favorite local music venue: Civic Theater

Do you have any pets? Yes, three dogs: Morgus Magnificent, Marley Priscilla, and Swidgen aka “The Swidge” (named after Al Swearengen from HBO show Deadwood).


Game of Thrones or Hunger Games: Battle Royale (Well, that wasn’t the question, but okay!)

Favorite phone app: Twitter

Microscope or Telescope: Telescope

Favorite book: Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami (The author is described as Japan’s most widely-read and controversial.  We’re intrigued!)

hard boiled


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