Meet the Nerds, Part II: Nick

Next in our Meet the Nerds series, we’ve asked Nick Lauve, Network Specialist, our “fun facts” questions; and here are his responses:

What’s your Favorite local restaurant:  GW Fins  (We have to agree; this is a great choice!


Star Wars or Star Trek:  Star Wars, though the original Star Trek w/ Shatner and Nimoy is a VERY close second place.

What’s your favorite Mardi Gras Krewe:  Endymion

What’s your dream vacation location:  Grand Isle (We happen to know that Nick loves the outdoors and fishing.  In fact, you can read his blog on these subjects and more, at

PlayStation or XBox:  Playstation

When asked his favorite game, he couldn’t pick just one:  Relatively Current: Red Dead Redemption.  All time:  Super Mario World

Android or iPhone:  Android

Favorite Saints player:  Jimmy Graham

City Park or Audubon:  City Park

Best poboy shop:  Parkway Bakery (


When asked his favorite local music venue, again he couldn’t pick just one:  Large: One Eyed Jack’s.  Small: Circle Bar

Do you have any pets?  If yes, what, names?  Dog:  “Abita Turbodog” ; Garter snake that frequents my vegetable garden: “Snakey Friend”  (We think both names are great and hope the animals get along well!)

Game of Thrones or Hunger Games:  Breaking Bad

Favorite phone app:  Tapatalk (We hope he’ll review this app, which is billed as allowing the user to follow multiple mobile forums-cool!)

Microscope or Telescope:  Oscilloscope  (We didn’t know what this either.  According to Wikipedia, it’s  is a type of electronic test instrument that allows observation of constantly varying signal voltages, usually as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a function of time.  We still don’t know what that means.  Here’s a picture.)


Favorite book:  Haruki Murakami:  The Wind-up Bird Chronicles

Bonus story in Nick’s words (which we think is pretty hilarious!):  I used to work at a recording studio as a producer/engineer.  At a session doing audio post-production for a documentary filmed in India, the director was bummed that he had lost the audio for one scene in which a bull was urinating onto the street.  At the time, fellow Rent-A-Nerd Marshall Flaig was having his new house built after Katrina and his lot had just been filled with sand.  The director and I got a large Rubbermaid bin and filled it with sand retrieved from said lot.  After packing it down, rigging it with microphones and pouring water into it several times to recreate the sound of the bull relieving himself the director still wasn’t happy with what we were getting.  Finally, I pressed record, went in the booth and urinated in the sand.  That track made the final cut of the film and it went on to win awards on the international film festival circuit.  During his award acceptance speech the director told the story of he and me peeing into a tub of sand in Kenner.


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