5 Bad Technology Habits

Now more than every, you are probably practically attached to one device or another. Bad online habits can leave you swimming in malware, hackers, and leaked data – none of which is fun or pleasant. But on the other hand, bad technology habits can leave you in bodily pain, unproductive, and desperate for more time – none of which is easy to come back from. Here are a few bad technology habits to be on the lookout for.

Do you check social media every 60 seconds?

I get it. There is so much going on these days. The urge to read about the latest news and scandals is real. Or you may just want a break from everything and just want to look at pictures of puppies and kittens. But what is this doing for your productivity? Your focus? Your time? Nothing good, I can guarantee that. So stop. Try your best to cut back and limit the number of times you check social media during the workday. If you find this task unusually difficult, there are more than a few apps that can help you minimize all those distractions.

Do you refresh your inbox every few minutes?

Some of us get a lot of emails. Like a lot. Like too much for one person to handle. But whether you check these emails now, five minutes from now, or an hour from now will typically not make a difference in the grand scheme of things. So do yourself a favor and hold off. Set aside 15-20 minutes every hour or so. If you can pull it off, shoot for half an hour at the beginning and/or end of the day. This should help you maintain focus for longer.

Do your eyeballs practically touch the computer screen?

Do you ever find yourself sitting way too close to the computer screen? And usually you realize this when someone walks up behind you and asks if you need glasses. But then you turn around and you’re already wearing glasses. Don’t do this. Your face should be anywhere from two to three feet away from the computer screen. Sit any closer and it could damage your eyesight and land you in a world of headaches and strained eyes. That goes for mobile devices as well.

Do you stare at your screen for hours at a time?

Sure, your eyes should be at least two feet away from your computer screen… but that’s not the only thing you should keep in mind. You also need to remember to rest your eyes every so often. The rule of thumb here is 20-20-20 – every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This can help relieve some of that strain your eyes can feel staring at a computer screen all day. Better yet, get up, stretch, take the dog for a walk. A brief change of scenery can really recharge you.

Do you keep the screen at full brightness late at night?

It’s 10:30 at night and you’re fading. But for some reason, that phone is still in your hand and you’re still swiping through Instagram, tweeting up a storm, or lost somewhere inside YouTube… which is no good. You see, those bright lights have been known to make it harder for people to fall asleep at night because the light messes with your melatonin levels and disrupts your sleep cycle. Therefore, if it is late at night and if you are still on your phone, then keep your screen dimly lit and if possible, switched to a warmer spectrum of color. Whether you have an iPhone or Android, this is simple. If you have an IPhone, just visit your Settings or swipe up from the home screen and tap on Night Shift. You can manually turn the feature on or off, or you can schedule night shift to turn on and off at a specific time every day. On your Android, open the Settings app, select “Display,” and then select “Night Light.” You should now be able to activate Night Light mode, set times, and more.

I don’t expect we will be any less attached to our computers and mobile devices any time soon, but we can at least develop healthier technology habits in the meantime.


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